
Gecko murder

Sunday we pulled up the old rug in the kitchen to lay down the new one and made a gruesome discovery. While we were shopping at IKEA our kitty girls were apparently stalking and killing a poor innocent little gecko. He was flattened and missing his tail and hidden under the kitchen rug. Killers always get caught though- the body always surfaces at some point! They don’t seem too remorseful though. Cold hearted kitties.

In other murderous news, our family has suffered a small case of mistaken identity. My little sister (the 13 year old) was riding in the car with my mom when they announced on the radio that they had arrested Scott Peterson for the murder of Laci Peterson. Poor Morgan screams “What have they done with my Daddy??” You see, Morgan’s dad’s name is Scott Petersen and she hadn’t heard anything about the Laci Peterson disappearance. It took a lot of explaining on my Mom’s part before poor Morgan calmed down.

In other news, I’m so excited I can’t stand it! I heard a rumor that they are building an IKEA in Atlanta!!! I hope this is true. It would only take us 4 hours to get there vs. the 6.5 hour trip we have to make now. Cross your fingers!